Friday 26 April 2013

My Favourite Brand Of Purfume

Hello everyone,
Today I have a post for you about my favourite brand of perfume.
The brand is Harajuku Lovers by Gwen Sefani, I love these perfumes because the bottles and the lids are just marvellous and they all smell amazing I have 6 but 2 of them are the same (I liked it so much I repurchased it)
I have taken some picture of the ones I have but I would love to buy some more (maybe in the air port on my way to New York)

The one on the far left smells a bit like Justin Biebers perfume called Someday but its nicer. If you don't like the perfume the size of the bottle is quite small so its not like you have wasted loads of money on something you don't like.
The one in from that smells SOOOOO good its a scent that I put on when I need a boost. It smells like coconuts and the Caribbean (just AMAZING)
The middle one is the biggest one of my collection to me its a fragrance that smells like a party (maybe the first time I wore it was to a party haha)
The next is my favourite of the lot and this is the one that I have a double of and when I use this one up I would even repurchase it again
the last one on the right is one from Christmas (if you couldn't tell by the outfit the girl on the lid is wearing) I haven't used this one much because its a Christmas perfume and I feel like I should wear it unless it Christmas haha.
So they are my favourite brand of perfume,
I hope you enjoyed this post let me know what you thought
follow me on twitter- @rebeccaemily31

Thanks for reading- Happy blogging