Sunday 17 November 2013

20 Random Facts About Me

Hello everyone,
I've been blogging for a while now and I've noticed that most of you don't really know much about me. I have decided that I would do a bit of a different post and do the 20 facts about me tag- I haven't been tagged by anyone, but I tag you! I was going to do the 50 facts but I really can't think of that many but if I think of more another time then I'll do another.
Lets get started:
1. I have 2 cats- Mickey and Millie
2.I love chocolate- Cadburys
3. I'm not a dog fan
4.I have no idea of what I want to be when I'm older
5. I hate pineapples
6. My favourite films are pitch perfect and Brides maids
7. I don't like any other sausage rolls apart from Greggs
8. I have only ever fainted once- I was in the shower
9. I cant wait to leave school
10. There is only one person that knows most of my secrets- My sister
11. I get bored very easily
12. My middle name is the name of the midwife that delivered me- Emily
13. The only time I will ever dance is in the car
14. I like trance, house, and euphoric music
15. I want so many piercings- I'm a big wimp
16. I can't sleep with socks on
17. I'm banned from drinking energy drinks 
18. when I start laughing its hard to stop
19. I wish I had a hobby apart from shopping
20. I love having money- I rarely spend it
I hope you enjoyed this post and have learnt a few things about me.
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112