Sunday 9 June 2013

Where Have You Been?

Hello Everyone,
Sorry I've been away for so long. I have had such a crazy busy time recently but I'm back!!
In the time that I've been away I went camping, been on holiday and had some exams.
Today I'm going to tell you about what I did when I was on holiday and share a few of my holiday pictures with you.
To start with I went to New York with my sister for 6 days in the May half term, We had an amazing time and did loads and loads of shopping and a tiny bit of sightseeing. Some of you might be thinking why not see the amazing sights of New York? Well this is the second time that me and Kirstie have been the first time we went was in 2010, we sore the sights and went to Statue of Liberty and The Rockefella Centre then. So this time we did a lot less of the sights and did a little more shopping. We went to Woodbury Common which is a massive designer outlet, We went to the top of the Empire State, and did 5th Avenue about 3 times!
 We had so much fun and brought so much.
pictures :) 
 Me outside Macy's (My eyes aren't closed it was very sunny)
 View out across the river from the Empire State
 Sunset at the top of the Empire State Building
 86th floor of the Empire State
View down from the 102nd Floor
 Me and Kirstie in Converse shop
 Me in 5th Avenue
Us in Battery Park
Empire State Building
Hope you enjoyed having a look at a few pictures from my trip to New York.
Thanks for stopping by:)
Don't forget to follow me on twitter- @rebeccaemily31