Sunday 27 April 2014

Bright Yellow

Hello Everyone,
Sorry for not posting in a very long time I've been revising and all sorts, but today I'm back with a Spring/Summer inspired look for you its only a short post but I hope you enjoy- links under the outfit as always.
The Outfit:
This outfit is perfect for a hot day in spring or for them days in the summer when you want to look like you have made more effort. The top is the brightest prettiest colour for this time of year and the colour of the shoes contrasts well, the yellow is picked up in the sole and the lining of the shoe. The gold jewellery adds some shine to this outfit is good if your somebody who likes accessories.
Thank you for reading and I promise I wont leave it as long next time but I hope you understand that I need to revise. I'm thinking of doing a tag for my next post so stay tuned :)
twitter: @rebeccaemily31
Instagram: rebeccaemily3112

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