Sunday 27 April 2014

Would You Rather Beauty Addition Tag

Hello Everyone,
As I mentioned in my last post I was thinking about doing some tag posts for you, so as you can tell my the title this is the 'Would You Rather Beauty Addition Tag' I'm going to jump straight in because its a long one- hope you enjoy.
Q. Would you rather go out with messy hair and perfect make up or nice hair and no make up?
A. I would go for messy hair and perfect make up only because I look like I have no eyebrows and I have some under the skin spots on my forehead.
Q. Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
A. I would 100% prefer no eyebrows to no eyelashes because you can draw them on and if you shave them they will grow back.
Q. Would you rather be forced to shop at only mac or Sephora for the rest of your life?
A. Living in the UK there is no Sephora and lots of mac shops but I choose Sephora because they have there own brand which is cheaper than the other things they sell and also really good quality ( I have been to Sephora when visited America)
Q. Would you rather wear lip-gloss/ lip liner look or 80's perm?
A. I love my straight hair so I choose lip-gloss/ lip liner.
Q. Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
A. 100% overdone blush- I have made this mistake many times but foundation is harder to blend than blush.
Q. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
A. I can honestly say I don't know what type of biker shorts the person who made this tag means- like cycling shorts?? but probably MC Hammer pants as baggy trousers are in at the minute and I think I could work them haha.
Q. Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird sun tan lines that cant be covered?
A. weird sun tan lines that cant be covered as people would know you have been on holiday or been sunbathing.
Q. Would you rather a bad haircut or a bad hair colour?
A. I would hate both as I love my locks but as I have to choose I'd say hair colour because you could dye it again.
Q. Would you rather have YouTube or twitter taken away forever?
A. I'd say twitter I'm obsessed with YouTube and if it got taken away from me I think I would cry for months.
Q. Would you rather give up using make up brushes or mascara?
A. I love my lashes and I'm all for good mascaras but I'd give it up because there's so many amazing lashes, plus I don't like the idea of using my fingers on my face I feel like it wastes the product.
Hope you liked this style of post and I might do some more in the future :)
Twitter: @rebeccaemily31
Instagram: rebeccaemily3112

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