Saturday, 28 December 2013

Birthday/ New year Outfit

Hello Everyone,
Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and got lots of amazing presents :). Some of you may know My Birthday is on New Years Eve and many people have party's on this day to welcome in the New Year. This year I didn't want a party but I got invited to some body else's and I thought it would be nice to share my outfit with you.
 This is going to be a 3 part series this will be the first the next will be my make up and the final will be what I got for my birthday.
Links under the outfit <3 
I brought the playsuit first then the shoes but realised that the outfit was all black and I needed something to bling it up so I brought the bracelet and the bag to add colour.
This is the complete outfit I will be wearing on my birthday, I hope you have enjoyed this post and be ready for the others coming soon.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone,
Hope you're all okay? This will be my last post before Christmas as I am working. I hope you have a lovely time with friends and family over the Christmas period and I'll be back soon with a birthday blog post as my birthday is on the 31st December :)
I hope you get everything you have asked Santa for and don't eat to much!
Stay safe lots of love

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Cheap Christmas Gifts For Girls

Hello Everyone,
Hope your all okay? have you got all of your Christmas shopping done yet? well I can safely say that my Christmas shopping is complete- Thank the Lord! I have struggled in the past to think of gifts for people and wondered if they actually appreciate what I have brought them. I have written this blog post today because I'm sure many of you  have been in this situation and I want to help.
lets get started.
I know this may seem a strange present but you can never have to many sock in your draw. they are a perfect gift as they are Christmassy and look like cupcakes- who wouldn't want to be given these at Christmas.
This nail varnish is perfect for a girly girl who likes to paint her nails and get glammed up. this nail varnish looks Christmassy as its red and comes as a tree decoration.
This is another great gift for a girly girl or for anyone who likes make up. they are affordable and come with a nice case.
This shower set is perfect for those people who you think need a pamper and the smell of this set is just perfect as its a light coconut scent.
Everybody needs a little bling to add to there outfits. this feather necklace is cute and very delicate.
This is also another good set for someone who likes to do there nails and likes pamper evenings. These colours are also amazing an suit all skin tones.
Hope you have enjoyed this post and found it helpful- let me know on twitter :)
twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Christmas Jumpers

Hello everyone,
Today I have a very festive post for you. I have put together a range of Christmas jumpers as the weathers getting colder and Christmas is nearing ever closer. These jumpers are a perfect Christmas gift for that tricky person to buy for or you could buy one for yourself. I hope you enjoy :)
The Jumpers:
These jumpers will look amazing with Skater Skirts, High Waisted Jeans and Denim Shorts on Christmas day or even in the run up to Christmas.
hope you liked this post and have found your perfect Christmas jumper; If not then check out the closest Primark store because they have lot and lots of jumpers.
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112

Sunday, 17 November 2013

20 Random Facts About Me

Hello everyone,
I've been blogging for a while now and I've noticed that most of you don't really know much about me. I have decided that I would do a bit of a different post and do the 20 facts about me tag- I haven't been tagged by anyone, but I tag you! I was going to do the 50 facts but I really can't think of that many but if I think of more another time then I'll do another.
Lets get started:
1. I have 2 cats- Mickey and Millie
2.I love chocolate- Cadburys
3. I'm not a dog fan
4.I have no idea of what I want to be when I'm older
5. I hate pineapples
6. My favourite films are pitch perfect and Brides maids
7. I don't like any other sausage rolls apart from Greggs
8. I have only ever fainted once- I was in the shower
9. I cant wait to leave school
10. There is only one person that knows most of my secrets- My sister
11. I get bored very easily
12. My middle name is the name of the midwife that delivered me- Emily
13. The only time I will ever dance is in the car
14. I like trance, house, and euphoric music
15. I want so many piercings- I'm a big wimp
16. I can't sleep with socks on
17. I'm banned from drinking energy drinks 
18. when I start laughing its hard to stop
19. I wish I had a hobby apart from shopping
20. I love having money- I rarely spend it
I hope you enjoyed this post and have learnt a few things about me.
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Coral Winter Outfit

Hello everyone,
I have a winter outfit for you, as the weather is changing and getting very cold outside, I thought it was about time the outfits I post for you change as we are definitely past autumn now. I first came across this jumper when trying to find my sister a Christmas present in our local shopping centre. I have made an outfit using the jumper as a centre piece because it is the brightest clothing item I could find for the time of year.
Hope you like this outfit:
As you can see I have matched the colour of the shoes with the bag, I have also added a necklace to add some sparkle and shine to this wintery outfit. I have chosen these jeans from Topshop as they are thick and will keep your hips warm because they are high waisted.
Hope you enjoyed this blog post I'll have some more winter outfits for you soon.
P.S. I have discovered a new app called PollyVore if your into putting outfits together go and check it out.
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- Rebeccaemily3112

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Green Dress

Hello everyone,
I don't know if you remember me trying to find an outfit for a wedding that I was attending. I couldn't find an outfit for ages and after my final hunt in the shops I came across this dress in Topshop in Debenhams. I fell in love and it looked beautiful on so I had to get it! I'm going to share with you an outfit very similar to the one I wore on the night of the wedding (I went to the evening/ party bit of the wedding) some items aren't the same as they are no longer in the shops:
The Outfit:
The necklace and shoes are similar to the ones that I wore but I brought my shoes in America and my necklace in Topshop not online. I also used a very old clutch bag which went with my outfit perfectly.
I wore a dark lipstick from the Rimmel Kate Moss collection and a really bright coral colour- I wanted to paint my nails in the colour below but run out of time :)
Thanks for reading I hope you like my outfit.
happy blogging <3
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily31

Christmas Gift Guide- Girls Perfume

Hello Everyone,
If your like me and like to get your Christmas shopping out of the way early then this is the perfect post for you to be reading. I hate the rush around December when everyone panics because they have forgotten to get something and the worst thing is when they sell out of the last thing on your list. I am going to be helping you with what to buy those tricky people to buy presents for I hope you enjoy:
Perfume is a great gift for girls as there are so many different smells, they come in different sizes and cost different prices.
#1 Katy Perry Killer Queen
This perfume is a great one if you are buying for teenagers. I personally love this smell.
Price: £23-£30
Deal: 30ml perfume is £23 but for the same price you can get 30ml perfume with shower gel and body lotion.
#2 Beyoncé Perfumes
There are so many Beyoncé perfumes in her collection and they all have different smells so they will be perfect.
Price: £19-£38
Deal: Just like the deal before but you pay £2 extra.

#3 DKNY Perfumes
Lots of different smells in the collection and they come in different sizes, at the pricey end of the scale but there's something for everyone.
Price: £28-£53 (roughly)
Deal: I couldn't find any deals on the Superdrug website but I'm sure there are others around.
Hope you enjoyed this post. Look out for more of these posts soon :)
Happy Blogging <3
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- Rebeccaemily3112


Christmas Gift Guide- Boys Aftershave

Hello everyone,
I have another Christmas gift guide for you but today its on boy's/ men's aftershave: hope you find this helpful and you can always message me on twitter if your stuck for other ideas :)
#1 Paco Rabanne 1 Million
this aftershave is a great one if you are buying for a trendy man/ boy. I really like this smell.
price: £16-£70 (cheaper if you go for the deodorant)
#2 Ralph Lauren Big Pony
There are so many perfumes in the ralph collection and they all have different smells so they will be perfect.
price: £35
#3 Hugo Perfumes
Lots of different smells in the collection and there's something for everyone.
Price: £26- £51
Hope you are finding these Guides helpful :)
Happy blogging <3
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112

Beautiful in Black

Hello Everyone,
Today I have a post for you of which is similar to my black dress post. I have two outfits for you that you could wear clubbing, to a party or any other occasion. I'm going to jump straight in: All links under the outfits :)

Outfit one.
For this outfit I have gone for a playsuit instead of a dress as some people don't feel comfortable wearing dresses. I have paired the lace detailed playsuit with a nude pair of plat formed heels, I've also chosen a gold bangles to add something extra to the outfit. I added a peach/ nude lipstick to add a little bit of colour to this outfit.
Outfit two.
I have choses a dress with detail around the neck as you don't have to add a necklace and this dress shape is flattering on all body shapes. I paired this dress with nude shoes and a plain clutch because I don't want to take away from the beautifulness of the dress. I have also included a girly pink lipstick to add some colour.
I hope you have enjoyed this post as its longer than my recent ones and I will hopefully be posting more makeup posts and winter outfits soon.
Happy blogging <3
Twitter- @rbeccaemily31
Instagram- Rebeccaemily3112

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Girly Autumn/ Winter Outfits

Hello Everyone,
Today I have autumn/ winter girly outfits for you. These are two cute outfits for the colder weather, yes they do include shorts but you can wear tights or frilly socks and add boots and make the outfits warmer. I hope you enjoy- links under pictures.
outfit one.
Outfit two.
As you can see I haven't added shoes but I have put a selection together for you, they are of the same kind of style but they work best with these outfits. Here they are:
Hope you enjoyed looking at the outfits I've put together. Don't forget to check out my other posts :)
 See you next time xox
twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Instagram- rebeccaemily3112

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Pink and White Casual Outfit

Hello everyone,
I've got another casual outfit for you. This I one of my favourite outfits I've put together because I love pink and white, I also love casual everyday outfits. I hope you enjoy :)
Hope you  are inspired by this outfit and I'm sorry most of my posts include clothes from TopShop I love that shop too much haha!
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Follow on Google+

Red Shirt and Jeans

Hello everyone,
Today I have a casual out fit for you with some Mom Jeans and Converse. This outfit is a perfect everyday outfit you can add a leather jacket or a cardigan as the weather is getting colder, or you can add a different colour shoes etc.-links under outfit
Hope you enjoyed this post sorry its short but I fingers crossed you like the outfit I have another one of these posts for you coming soon :)
Thanks for reading xox
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Follow on Google+

Black Dresses

Hello everyone,
Today I have a post about black dresses for you I do have more posts like this coming soon but please be patient as I'm in the middle of studing for my GCSE's and I have to stay late at school, I do put a post up when I can but bare with me :).
I was browsing the net the other day for some new clothes and saw these dresses and thought they needed something to make them look more special as they are all black so that's when I decided to put these outfits together for you - Enjoy!
Outfit No.1
Outfit No.2
Hope you Have taken some inspiration from these outfits.
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Follow on Google+

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Motivation No.2

Hello everyone,
Today I have another inspirational/motivational post for you it is a short one but I hope these pictures and quotes make you feel special and loved.

if you think something is impossible or someone tells you that something is impossible you prove them that they are 100% wrong. strive to be the best version of you and NOTHING is impossible!
Please remember you are beautiful and I believe in you xox
Twitter- @rebeccaemily31
Follow me on Google+

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Tartan Grunge

Hello everyone,
Today I have a tartan/ grunge outfit for you. I really wanted these thick leggings from Topshop but didn't know what to style them with so I didn't buy them, when I got home I thought I'd put an outfit together using the leggings as the centre piece- Hope you enjoy
This outfit is perfect for A/W. Tartan and Monochromes are the in trends this season and this is a mixture of both so you'll be bang on trend.
Thanks for reading
Follow me on Twitter- @rebeccaemily31