Monday 13 January 2014

Smart Tartan

Hello everyone,
Hope your all doing well. I'm going to jump straight into this post as I can wait to share it with you :)
Links and info below.
This outfit is defiantly on trend and is perfect for all occasions. This baggy top goes perfectly with the tight skirt as there is a contrast in the two items. The skirt also adds a slight pop of colour without being to bright and out there so it is perfect for those people afraid of standing out from the crowd. The earrings and bracelets are a dainty touch to make the outfit more feminine and less harsh. Socks are a great way to make the outfit a bit more fun and you can get hold of them in a wide variety of colours so they go with any outfit.
I hope you liked this post and got a idea or two for one of your future outfits.
lots of love